0247 - Ngdong Museum Displays Cultural Relics Lost During "Cultural Revolut...Front
Ngdong Museum Displays Cultural Relics Lost During "Cultural Revolution". The Guangdong Provincial Museum has recently displayed more than 1,000 items of cultural relics lost but salvaged during the "cultural revolution" (1966--76) for their owners to claim them. The exhibited articles are mostly calligraphies and paintings of the Ming and Qing Dynasties (1368-1911). Some are valauble pieces of the Han Dynasty (206 B. C. -A. D. 220) and the Song Dynasty (960--1279). Staff members of the Guangdong Provincial Museum went out to salvage the relics from the piles of confiscated articles and took them for safe keeping.
Image details
Front | Yes |
Place | |
Year | 1985 |
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