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0254 - Hongkong Investment Symposium For China's Open Cities. An investment...Front

Hongkong Investment Symposium For China's Open Cities. An investment symposium for China's open cities was held in Hongkong between November 6 and 14, 1984. Attending the symposium were a 150-member Chinese delegation including representatives of Chinese central economic departments and delegates of the 14 coastal open cities, and representatives from four special economic zones and Hainan Island. Agreements on many items were reached after extensive talks and negotiations between Chinese delegates and the people in banking, commerce and industry from Hongkong, Macao and other parts of the world. The symposium was organized jointly by the Bank of China Group, the China Resources (Holdings) Co., the China Merchants Steam Navigation Co., the China Everbright Holdings Co., and the Economic Information and Agency in Hongkong. Without a vacant seat during a meeting introducing the basic conditions of the 2 open cities-- Ningbo and Wenzhou. Photo by Ding Butian

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Front Yes
Year 1984

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