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0237 - "Fireworks Festival" Of Dong's In Guangxi. The "Fireworks Festival" ...Front

"Fireworks Festival" Of Dong's In Guangxi. The "Fireworks Festival" in Fulu township of the Sanjiang Autonomous County of Dong Nationality in Guangxi is observed by the Dong's Miao's Yao's and Zhuang's living in the mountainous area north of Guilin and the adjoining areas in the borders of Guizhou and Hunan provinces. It falls on the third day of the third month by the lunar calendar. The celebrations including various kinds of sports activities come to a climax when fireworks are let off. Accompanied by the Lusheng (a folk musical instrument made of six bamboo pipes), young people sing and dance during the celebrations. People also take the opportunity to meet their relatives and friends. The festival is also an occasion for a country fair. The whole celebration activities will last from early morning till late at night.

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Front Yes
Transcribed Yes
Year 1984

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