Back to B02-2 Health, Medicine Photographs

0236 - P.L.A. Medical Team Tours Yenan Area. Sixtytwo-year old Huang Ke-wei...Front

P.L.A. Medical Team Tours Yenan Area. Sixtytwo-year old Huang Ke-wei, head of the internal medicine department, and member of the medical team, of the P.L.A. General Hospital, keeps an open mind to learn from the poor and lower-middle peasants, in the Yenan area, northwest China takes part in farm work and studies Chairman Mao's works together with them. In doing so, he has deepened his feelings for the poor and lower-middle peasants. He often gives them medical treatment at their cave homes. Photo shows him passing on medical knowledge to a group of "barefoot doctors" (a familiar name the poor and lower-middle peasants give to rural medical workers).

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Front Yes
Year 1970

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