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0051 - For the past few days, well over 2,500,000 armymen and civilians of ...Front

For the past few days, well over 2,500,000 armymen and civilians of all nationalities in Sinkiang have held protest demonstrations on an unprecedented scale, strongly protesting against the towering crime of the Soviet revisionist renegade cligue's armed encroachment upon China's territory. This fully shows the iron will of the people in this frontier region, who are armed with Mao Tsetung's thought, to safeguard their motherland at any cost. Photo shows revolutionary workers of the Sinkiang "August First" Iron and Steel Plant raising clenched fists and shouting: "Down with the new Tsars!" "We vow to defend the sacred territory of the motherland at any cost!" "Long live our great leader Chairman Mao! A long, long life to him!"

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