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0616 - Chinese Party And Government Delegation Visits Viet Nam. The Chinese...Back

Chinese Party And Government Delegation Visits Viet Nam. The Chinese Party and Government Delegation with Comrade Chou En-lai as its head and Comrades Yeh Chien-ying and Chiu Hui-tao as its deputy heads arrived in Hanoi by special plane on the afternoon of March 5 for a friendly visit to the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam, China's fraternal neighbour, at the invitation of the Viet Nam Workers' Party and the Government of the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam. Photo: Riding in cars through the Hanoi city proper, the Chinese Party and Government Delegation is accorded a grand and very warm welcome by tens of thousands of people lining the streets.

Image details

Front No
Place Vietnam
Year 1971

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